San Francisco Photo Tour

Cable Car Tour
and Lombard Street

Not wheelchair accessible Take a ride on a San Francisco Cable Car, and find out where to purchase a Public Transit Pass. Also find out how to avoid the long lines of people waiting to ride the Cable Car (a Historic Landmark), and enjoy a walk down Lombard Street.
Note: The Cable Cars are not wheelchair accessible, but you can ride the old Trolley Cars to Fishermans Wharf. You can board the Trolley accross the street at 5th and Market Street.
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Cable car side.

Your first stop, on this tour, is the Cable Car Turn-around located at Powell and Market Street. There is also a booth at Hyde and Beach Street to get tickets, but our tour starts at Powell and Market. The cheapest way to get around the city is by public transit. Now let's get tickets.

Please Note: You can pay $3.00 cash fare to ride the Cable Cars. All other Muni transit fares are $1.25 for adults, and $.35 cents for children, seniors, and disabled. You also get a transfer you can use on Muni transit that is good for 90 minutes.

Cable Car ticket booth.

If you are here for one day, three days, or a week, buy a Muni passport for that amount of time. You get unlimited rides on the cable car, the Muni buses, trolleys, Muni subways, and street cars.

Cable Car fares: All ages 5 yrs. & older ...$3.00, Senior or disabled Discount pass..........+$2.00

Muni Passports: Ride all Muni lines including cable cars: 1-day..$9, 3-day..$15, 7-day..$20

PASSES: Weekly Pass......................$12.00**

Monthly Passes

Fast Pass.................................$45.00**

Discount Pass: Senior or Disabled........$10.00**

**plus $2.00 on Cable Cars.

If you are a senior citizen, or disabled, and can prove it, you can buy a monthly fast-pass for $10.00.

The booth at Powell and market Street opens around 9 a.m. until about 9 p.m. Also while you are here get a Muni transit map for two dollars, it is the best map for getting around the city.


If you would like to order a Muni Street and Transit Map by mail before you come to San Francisco, send $2.50 (check or money order, payable to S.F. Municipal Railway) to Muni Map, 949 Presidio Avenue, Room 238, San Francisco,Ca. 94115. Allow two weeks for delivery.

You should make this your first stop after getting your room.

Cable Car turn-around.

Now let's get in line. If the line is really long, here is a tip for you. Walk on up Powell two blocks to O'Farrell Street, you can get on there without a long wait. Wait for the Powell and Hyde Street cable car, look on the front of the cable car.

Here is another tip, if you do not plan on getting a passport, you can pay cash when you get on the cable car.

All around the cable car turn-around area you can usually see someone dancing, playing music, or just beating on empty plastic buckets to entertain you. Some of these people are here almost every day of the year, and you will probably see the dancer above when you arrive here.

Cable Car leaving on tour.

Hey, we made it, and now we are off. The cable car only goes about 14 miles an hour, but you still need to hang on.

Gold man.

As we pass Union Square you can sometimes see the Copper Man, the Silver Man, the Gold Man, or Pinkie the girl. These people make a living doing this, so if you take their picture, give them some money for it. All street entertainers expect this.

Cable Car gripman. OK, we are now climbing the hill, tell the Grip-man we want off at Lombard street. There it is, look below! When you go down this street, walk down one side, and come back up the other side.

Cable Car Lombard Street bottom of hill..

"Lombard Street"

This street is known as the Crookedest Street in the world. It is a lot steeper than it looks, and it zig zags back and forth for one block. Now let's climb back up the hill!

Lombard Street curves with car.

Well, we are about half way up the hill, let's stop a second to look back. Notice how the street curves back and forth, the street is brick, and there are plants all the way down the street.

Coit Tower from Lombard Street.

Puff, puff, we made it to the top, now look back. The tall monument you see on the hill, is the Coit Tower. We will be going there later. Now let's get back on the cable car, and it's off to the Wharf. If you didn't get a passport it could cost two more dollars to get back on.

Cable Car end of tour.

This is our last stop on the cable car, please watch out for traffic when you get off. Now let's take a look around.

The next stop on my Photo Tour is "Ghirardelli Square", to go there Click Continue Tour below.

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