San Francisco Photo Tour

Castro Street

Wheelchair accessible Take a look at old Chinatown, it is where the Chinese people go to do their shopping. If you have never been to China, you may want to visit Chinatown while on your vacation in San Francisco.
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Chinatown Gate

Chinatown Gate is located at the corner of Bush and Grant Street. This is not the only way to get into Chinatown. This entrance is where the tourist trap is.

Chinatown window of shop

There are many shops and restaurants in this section of Chinatown. The shops sell mainly decorative imports from China. Some of the shops sell a lot of junk items. (Need a backscratcher?)

Looking up the street

As we continue up the hill on Grant Street you can see the oriental style of some of the buildings. The street lights, the people (mostly Chinese), and the general view of the area make you realize you are in a different culture.

Shopping district As we go over the hill you can see more people as you get out of the tourist trap. Chinatown covers a large area, and the farther you go in you will see shops and markets where the Chinese people shop.

The narrow streets of Chinatown

The streets in Chinatown are all very narrow, I would not even attempt to take a car to this part of town, because you would never find a place to park. Chinatown can best be seen by walking around and looking into all the different shops.

Portsmouth Square

This is Portsmouth Square, a little park that sits atop a parking garage. This is not the quietest park in the city, but it is interesting as a gathering place for Chinatown's old men, who perform tai chi, gamble over games of mahjong and Chinese cards. The wooden pagoda-style structures were placed here in 1990.

Monument in Portsmouth Square

On July 9, 1846 navy lieutenant Washington Allon Bartlett came ashore at Clark's Point, along with sailors and marines from the sloop USS Portsmouth, came to this spot and claimed possession of Yerba Buena. The following January, Bartlett changed the name of Yerba Buena to San Francisco.

Old men sitting on benches

This is a view of the buildings on the other side of the park. These building are all part of the old Chinatown and not like the skyscrapers of downtown on the other side of the park..

Here's a little tip: You can get Chinese food all over the city, don't get stuck with higher prices in the tourist trap.

The next stop on my Photo Tour is the "Japan Center", to go there Click Continue Tour below.
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